Senior Care Fun: Boosting Health by Preparing for a 5K with Your Elderly Loved Ones This Winter
SENIOR CARE IN ST. PAUL, MN Keeping your elderly loved ones active and physically engaged is one of the most important parts of your senior care efforts for them, but when the weather gets frigid[...]
Keeping Daily Activities Normal for a Loved One with Arthritis
ELDERLY CARE IN MINNEAPOLIS, MN If your loved one is dealing with arthritis then it’s probably a little difficult for her to go about her day the way that she used to. There’s pain to deal[...]
Matter of Balance
Falls are a public health concern in Minnesota. Falls are the number one cause of trauma death and non-fatal major trauma. The vast majority of these cases are among older Minnesotans. Based on these facts[...]
3 Frequently Asked Questions about Falls or Fear of Falling
First, remember that just because you are getting older doesn’t mean you are going to fall. Many falls can be prevented by proper planning and preparation. We teach fall prevention classes to seniors all over[...]
Getting Adequate Nutrition While Aging
SENIOR CARE IN MINNEAPOLIS, MN For elderly adults, not having an appetite or a desire for food can be frustrating and bad for overall health. When an elderly adult doesn’t seem to have an appetite[...]
Home Care Tips: Staying Warm in the Snow
Home Care in Minneapolis-St. Paul The winter has officially arrived and depending on where you live that might mean that the snow has already started. If you are on a home care journey with your[...]