
Denture Care Tips for Family Caregivers

June 22, 2017|

If you are newer to the role of senior caregiver, you may not know as much as you’d like about how to help your elderly loved one care for their dentures. Or, if your elderly loved[...]

Art Therapy and Alzheimer’s Disease

June 16, 2017|

Art therapy is sometimes used as part of a treatment program for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Though art therapy won’t cure the disease and may not even improve cognitive ability, it is believed to enhance[...]

Top Tips for Heat Safety for Your Senior

June 9, 2017|

As the temperatures start to soar this summer it is extremely important that you integrate heat safety into your care efforts for your elderly parent. Heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke and heat exhaustion can quickly[...]

Easy Exercises Kids and Grandparents Love Doing Together

May 25, 2017|

Let your children celebrate National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 31st with your aging parent this year. As your mom or dad ages and loses mobility, your children may be uncertain how to[...]

Is Knee Replacement Surgery an Option for your Aging Parent

May 19, 2017|

Once all non-surgical options have been tried for those suffering from knee pain and the associated disability, knee replacement surgery may be an option. For the elderly who have been offered this as a solution[...]