Making the Most of an Osteoporosis Consultation
Your loved one’s doctor may not have as much time as you’d like to help your loved one manage her osteoporosis, so it pays to keep appointments as efficient as you possibly can. Bring a List[...]
Should You Consider Bringing an Elder Care Provider on Vacation with Your Senior?
Vacationing is something that many families look forward to. Taking a few days away from your usual routine is a wonderful way to spend quality time together, enjoy new experiences, and reminisce on old memories[...]
Help Prevent Your Parent from Falling
“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up,” is a line made famous by the TV advertisements for the Life Alert Emergency Response system. Unfortunately, it is an event that occurs to many seniors. According to[...]
Caring for a Parent with COPD
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a term now used to define a group of diseases. Your parent may have emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma or a combination of more than one of these diseases which are[...]
Feeling Tired? Use These Tips for Increasing Your Energy as a Family Caregiver
It’s 3pm and you reach for a chocolate chip cookie and another cup of coffee with a dash of crème and sugar. You feel better. There’s a little more pep in your step, a little[...]
Home Care, Home Health Care, and Hospice Care: What’s the Difference?
If you have an aging loved one who is ailing from a medical condition, you might be feeling overwhelmed. Maybe this medical condition came on suddenly and you are trying to come up with a[...]