
Why You Should Consider Home Care after a Hospitalization

November 30, 2018|

You and your aging adult might feel as if you’ve got everything well in hand when she’s discharged from the hospital. You might well be right, to a certain extent, but home care services can[...]

What Do the Stages of Lung Cancer Mean?

November 20, 2018|

If your aging parent has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer, something you may have heard was the doctor defining it by a certain stage. As a family caregiver, understanding what the various stages means[...]

Relying on a Care Provider During Thanksgiving Preparations

November 16, 2018|

The holiday season is a wonderful time to spend with your friends and family. This is an opportunity to come together and enjoy quality time, enjoying favorite memories and traditions, and making new ones for[...]

Tips for Caring for a Senior with Pneumonia

November 9, 2018|

Elderly adults are more vulnerable to illness and infection than younger people because of immune systems that tend to be less effective. This means they are more likely to contract potentially serious illnesses and infections[...]

Six Questions to Ask on World Diabetes Day

October 31, 2018|

World Diabetes Day falls on November 14th. You probably know what diabetes is. Do you know everything there is to know, however? Did you know that diabetes can also impact your vision and brain health?[...]