
Possible New Risk Factor for Dementia Discovered

October 5, 2018|

Many people believe that the word dementia describes a problem with memory. However, dementia is a term used to describe signs and symptoms that impact a persons cognitive abilities, memory, and social skills. A dementia[...]

How Do Elderly Care Providers Help Seniors?

September 28, 2018|

If you are worried about how your aging mom or dad is getting along in their later years, you aren’t alone. Many adult children are taking on the role of family caregiver, shouldering more and[...]

How Do You Work Full-Time and Provide Your Dad’s Care?

September 21, 2018|

Your monetary needs require you to work full-time. Your dad is aging at home and needs help. He needs assistance with activities of daily living. He is most comfortable with you providing that care. What[...]

Glioblastoma – What You Should Know About This Deadly Cancer

September 14, 2018|

Senator John McCain’s death may not have been a huge shock to many. It was known he had a brain tumor. This cancer, glioblastoma, isn’t common, but it’s something families should know more about. The[...]

What Does Positive Self-talk Look Like for a Caregiver?

September 7, 2018|

It’s really easy to say some pretty negative things to yourself. Turning those negative bits of self-talk around is a powerful tool that you can use to give yourself a boost when you need it[...]

What Should You Do When a Diabetic Senior’s Blood Sugar is High?

August 31, 2018|

As a family caregiver to an older adult with diabetes, you probably watch their blood sugar levels closely and work hard to keep diabetes under control. Unfortunately, no matter how diligent you are, sometimes blood[...]