
Can Seniors Live at Home with COPD?

January 4, 2019|

With age, the body is more susceptible to certain chronic conditions and health issues that prevent them from the independent living at their own home that they are used to. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or[...]

How to Get Your Elderly Relative To Talk About Personal History

December 31, 2018|

Theres something special about hearing stories about your elderly relatives when they were younger. While times have changed, many of the challenges and triumphs we face echo across the decades. If you are looking for[...]

Simple Tools You Can Use to Organize Your Care Efforts

December 27, 2018|

Getting your caregiver routine organized is an exceptional way to reduce your stress, maximize the effectiveness of your care efforts, and give yourself more opportunity to focus on your relationship with your loved one rather[...]

5 Myths About the Common Cold

December 14, 2018|

Its called the common cold because, well, its all too common. About one billion colds occur each year in the United States. Colds are the number one reason people visit doctors, too. But, even though[...]

Checking for Signs of Identity Theft After the Holiday Season

December 13, 2018|

As a family caregiver, you never want to think about your aging parents being victimized, but it is an unfortunate reality that older adults tend to be far more vulnerable to technology-based criminal behavior than[...]

Pneumonia Care for Aging Adults

December 12, 2018|

The winter season brings fun holidays and beautiful frosty landscapes, but it is also the time of year when people develop serious illnesses, like pneumonia. Elderly adults are at high risk for developing pneumonia, a[...]