
Four Ways to Cope if Your Senior Has Anger Issues

June 28, 2019|

Anger issues are difficult for you to deal with as a caregiver. They add another layer of stress and strain to a situation that can already be incredibly taxing for you emotionally and physically. If[...]

Tips for Storing Medicines Safely

June 20, 2019|

It doesnt seem like it should take caregivers much thought to decide where to store their aging relatives medications. Just put them in a cupboard or the medicine cabinet, right? Actually, theres a bit more[...]

How to Help Your Senior Stay Nourished in Hot Weather

June 14, 2019|

Getting the nutrients she needs can be tricky for your senior in hotter weather. She might not feel like eating at all and she might be dehydrated more easily than at other times of the[...]

Memory Problems and Senior Safety: Precautions to Take

June 7, 2019|

Memory issues related to Alzheimer’s disease or to other cognitive changes are heartbreaking to deal with as a caregiver. Your once self-sufficient senior now relies on you in ways you might never have expected. This situation also[...]

Are You Checked out of Your Relationship because Youre a Caregiver?

May 31, 2019|

Relationships can be difficult enough, but when you add caregiving to the mix, they can be even more complicated. Your significant other probably understands your need to be a caregiver, and that support is invaluable.[...]

Why Is Your Senior Experiencing Arthritis?

May 24, 2019|

Arthritic pain is something that your senior may be experiencing far more often, but why is it happening at all? There are so many potential causes for arthritis and your senior is most likely dealing with more[...]