Helping Your Elderly Loved One with Grief
Grief occurs when a person experiences a loss that cannot be retrieved. It is often connected with the loss of a loved one, but can also pertain to the loss of health, finances, or freedom[...]
Protein-packed Breakfast Options for Seniors
Breakfast is important for seniors, but it’s even more important for that breakfast to have plenty of protein. Preparing and eating any breakfast might be tougher for seniors to do at this stage of life,[...]
The Best Ways To Keep Dad From Being Lonely While Aging In Place
If your dad has been aging in place alone, he may be lonely. It’s hard for older men to make new friends, and sometimes it’s hard for them to reach out to family members when[...]
Overcoming Senior Sleep Troubles with Home Care Assistance
When seniors don’t sleep well, they can very quickly start to have issues in all sorts of areas of life. Solving sleep problems can be one of the fastest ways to improve quality of life,[...]
Understanding Healthy Weight for Seniors
Maintaining a healthy weight is important at any age, but can be especially crucial for seniors. This is because weight management not only has an effect on their physical health, but it also plays a[...]
Six Things to Know About How Senior Home Care Supports Independence
One of the most important goals for seniors who are determined to spend their last years in their own homes is to remain as independent as possible. Sometimes that desire for independence causes seniors to[...]