How Can You Figure Out What Your Senior Is Going to Need Later?
When youre able to plan and to adjust those plans based on changes in what happens, you can start to predict what you and your senior are going to need in this caregiving journey. These[...]
Is Your Elderly Loved One Vitamin D Deficient?
Checking to make sure your elderly loved one isnt Vitamin D deficient is important. If your loved one is deficient in this vitamin, it could impact their health in many ways. They might seem much[...]
How to Help Your Elderly Loved One When Dressing Becomes Too Difficult
Unfortunately, as your loved one gets older, they may have a difficult time dressing themselves. This can be very frustrating for them. They may even feel embarrassed about not being able to do it on[...]
What Makes Caregivers Neglect Their Own Health?
In a phone survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2015, people acting as family caregivers to family members or friends revealed a disturbing truth about the role. Caregivers are[...]
4 Ways Elderly Care Helps Keep Seniors Safer
Many people worry about their older family member being safe. They may be concerned about falls, illness, injuries, or safety hazards in the home. When your aging relative lives alone and you arent able to[...]
Signs an Older Adult Has the Flu
Now that winter has arrived, were deep into cold and flu season. While a cold is often just a minor irritant, the flu can be a much more serious problem in older adults. Seniors are[...]