Five Ways Home Care Can Help Seniors Lower Their Cholesterol Levels
Healthy cholesterol levels reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues, which is a situation that seniors definitely want to avoid. Tackling this type of health condition is easier with the support of home care services. Seniors[...]
Why Oral Health Is So Important For Seniors
Studies show there is a clear link between oral health and good physical health for seniors. Untreated tooth decay and other dental problems increases the risk that seniors will develop heart disease and other serious[...]
Why 24-Hour Home Care Might Be Right for Your Senior
As your loved one has aged, you might have noticed that she could use more and more help around her home. Visiting her once a day or a couple of times a week to help[...]
Eight Brain Exercises Seniors Can Use Daily
Brain health is an essential part of overall health for aging adults. Luckily, there are lots of different brain exercises that seniors can try which will help to keep their brains active and engaged. Senior[...]
What to Learn About a New Medication
Medication is one of the primary tools our society uses to manage or prevent illnesses and health complications. They can be prescribed to your loved one after meeting with a physician or they can be[...]
The #1 Step To Take to Reduce the Risk of COPD
November is National COPD Month. COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is the name for a group of diseases that lead to breathing-related problems and airflow blockage. COPD can include emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and occasionally asthma.[...]