If your senior parent is sure that they want to continue living at home, but you’re concerned about them living alone, in-home care is the perfect solution. Seniors who have in-home care get to stay in their own homes and live where they want, while family members get the peace of mind of knowing that their parent has support to help them.

In-home care includes a wide variety of services that are customized for every senior. As your mom or dad gets older the level of support that they get can change to keep pace with their needs.

If your mom or dad has a fall or medical emergency and they are recovering at home there is specialized care available to help them recover, and home care providers can continue after they are well.

You can talk to a care agency in your mom or dad’s city to find out more about customized in-home care in that location, but in general, home care services include:

Medication Reminders

You won’t have to worry that your mom or dad isn’t taking their medication, or isn’t taking the right doses of medication if they have in-home care. A care provider can remind your senior parent when it’s time to take their medication. They can also fill pill boxes, set alarms, and make sure that refills are picked up from the pharmacy so that your mom or dad doesn’t run out of their medication.

Meal Preparation

If your mom or dad has a difficult time making meals because they have balance issues, mobility challenges, or a health condition like arthritis a home care provider can cook healthy meals for them. And, a caregiver can share those meals with your mom or dad so they don’t have to eat alone.

If your mom or dad has a condition like diabetes that requires a special diet having a caregiver help them cook is a great way to make sure that your mom or dad is sticking to the diet their doctor has recommended.

Light Housekeeping

In-home care always includes light housekeeping. Your senior parent can do whatever chores they can physically do if they want to. But, a caregiver can do things like taking out the trash, washing the dishes, vacuuming, dusting, and doing the laundry so that your senior parent has a clean home all the time.

Transportation and Errands

Care at home also includes transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping, or running errands. If your senior parent wants to go out and run errands or shop a care provider will take them. But if it’s not easy for them to get out a care provider can do the shopping and run the errands for your senior mom or dad.

Safety Supervision

An in-home care provider can make sure that the home environment is safe and free of hazards, provide supervision to prevent falls or accidents, and help manage any emergency situations that might come up either with your mom or dad’s health or an emergency like a big storm or power outage.


If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Eden Prairie, MN and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.