Being a family caregiver often means that you spend quite a bit of time worried about your loved one. But is there genuine cause for your worry? Here are some practical steps you can take to find out.

Start by Collecting Your Data

Before you get too far along your train of thought, you need to start collecting some solid data. There is a lot to be said for those gut feelings you have when it comes to your loved one, but other people in your life, including your loved one, are going to want some facts. So sit down and think about what is making you feel worried about your loved one. From there, you can start to take action.

Talk with Your Loved One and with Other Family Members

The next step is to open up loving conversations with your loved one and with other family members about your concerns. Other family members may be able to back up your gut feelings with observations of their own. It’s important that you’re not ganging up on your loved one when you have these conversations. It’s about expressing your concerns rather than trying to force her to do something.

Get a Medical Opinion

A tremendous part of your action plan is to make sure that you talk about your concerns with your loved one’s doctor. Your loved one’s doctor can give you information about where your loved one is now and how her health is likely to progress. This gives you what you need to be able to set up a plan and to adapt it when necessary.

Engage Elder Care Providers

You can’t be there with your loved one all the time, unfortunately. Hiring experienced elder care providers gives you eyes on the situation that can let you know when there is cause for concern. With the information you receive, you can make more educated decisions about what’s truly an issue and what you’re overly worried about.

Forming a plan of action and then following through with that plan is going to help you keep your loved one safe when you’re not around while still allowing her to maintain her independence.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Brooklyn Park, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.