As people get older, their eyes start to change. If you are a family caregiver for an elderly person, it is important that you know how to help them with their aging eyes, and how senior care can help. The tips that are mentioned here today can help your elderly loved one to see better and have fewer eye health issues later on.

Having Glasses Around at All Times

If your elderly loved one has an eyeglass prescription, they need to have their glasses around at all times. Even if their doctor doesn’t require them to wear their glasses throughout the entire day, the glasses should be available for when your elderly loved one needs them. For example, if your loved one decides they want to read a book while sitting on the couch, but they don’t have their glasses, reading the book without their glasses might worsen their vision. If possible, you or a senior care provider can try reminding your elderly loved one to keep their glasses near them at all times.

Wearing Sunglasses and Hats

Since your elderly loved one’s vision is already changing or getting worse, it is even more important that they protect their eyes. Your elderly loved one can do this by wearing sunglasses when they are outside or in a car. They should also wear a hat if they are going to be outside when the sun is higher up in the sky. Both of these things can help to block the sunlight from getting in your elderly loved one’s eyes as much. If your elderly loved one won’t remember to bring their sunglasses or hats places, you or a senior care provider may need to remind them to do this.

Have the Right Types of Lights

In your elderly loved one’s home, they should have brighter lights in the rooms where they are doing activities. For example, if your elderly loved one reads on the couch, they should have a brighter lamp near the couch. This will prevent strain on their eyes when looking at things.

Scheduling Annual Eye Exams

It is important for your elderly loved one to go to an annual eye exam. This way, if there are any worsening vision health issues, these can be caught and treated as early as possible. A senior care provider can provide transportation to and from eye doctor appointments, which can be essential specifically if they have their eyes dilated.


These are some of the tips to help your elderly loved one with their aging eyes. Now that you know what to do to help your elderly loved one keep their vision as healthy as possible, you can share this eye care guide with them.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior care in Eagan, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.