July is National Picnic Month and it’s a fantastic time to help your senior mom or dad enjoy a little time outdoors. A backyard picnic can be a fun way for seniors to enjoy the sun and warm weather. Spending time in nature is great for seniors, and everyone loves a picnic outdoors in the summer. With the help of home care assistance and these tips, , you and your family can have a fun and senior-friendly summer picnic this month:

Provide Comfortable Seating

Traditionally, people sit on the ground when having a picnic but that’s not going to be comfortable for your mom or dad. Set out chairs with good back support and consider cushions for added comfort. Make sure that the chairs are the right height for your senior parent to get in and out of easily. If possible, use chairs that have arms so they have something to hold when sitting down or standing up.

Clear The Paths

Make sure pathways are clear of obstacles and provide sturdy, non-slip surfaces. If you’re going to have a picnic on a raised deck make sure the decking is not slippery and that your senior parent won’t stub a toe or get their shoe caught between the deck boards.

Create Shaded Areas

The sun can quickly become too much for seniors, even if your senior parent is wearing a hat. Set up canopies, umbrellas, or tents to provide ample shade. You may also want to set up outdoor fans to circulate air on the patio or deck and provide a nice cooling breeze.

Serve Soft Foods

A picnic is all about cool delicious foods, but make sure they’re soft enough for your mom or dad to eat easily. Include easy-to-eat options like grilled vegetables, soft meats, and finger foods. Avoid tough, chewy items that might be difficult for some seniors to eat. Potato salad, pasta salad, and other picnic classics are great for seniors, just make sure foods with mayo in them aren’t sitting out long.

Stay Hydrated

Offer plenty of water and non-alcoholic beverages. Consider serving drinks like iced tea, lemonade, and flavored water to encourage hydration. A fun way to get your senior parent to drink more is to make a batch of non-alcoholic sangria or a fruit juice punch that will make the picnic seem more festive.

Ensure Good Lighting

If your picnic is a family affair that is going to extend into the evening add lighting to the deck or patio so that your senior parent will be able to see where they are walking. String lights, lanterns, or LED lights are fun and festive but also provide enough light to easily see.

Play Senior Friendly Games

A picnic isn’t a picnic without outdoor games! But, make sure the games are senior-friendly. Plan activities that everyone can enjoy, such as storytelling, simple games like bocce ball or cornhole, or just relaxing and enjoying conversation.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care assistance in Maple Grove, MN and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.