Senior Care in Woodbury MNYour parent’s senior care journey is a fantastic time for them to get involved in the world around them and do their part to take care of the earth for the generations to come. Doing activities together that protect and nourish the earth is a great way for your parent and their senior health care services provider to bond and enjoy a healthier, more beneficial care relationship. It will also stimulate your parent’s mind for stronger memory skills and cognition, enhance their emotional and mental health by making them feel more engaged and valuable, and give them regular physical activity as well.

May 29 is Learn About Composting Day. On this day, encourage your parent to learn about the benefits of composting and how they can make this simple but highly effective activity a regular part of their lives.

Share these tips with them to get them started:

• Choose a container. Composting does not have to mean having a massive heap in the backyard. Instead even a senior living in a small apartment that only has minimal outdoor space can still reap the benefits of composting with a small container. Encourage them to make their own or they can purchase a bin that is in an appropriate size for their home and available outdoor space.

• Connect with it. Many experts recommend that people think of their compost like they would a pet. This encourages them to remember that their compost heap is living and needs to be cared for properly in order to thrive. This can help to remind them to feed and nurture it regularly so that it will process properly and create rich, nourishing soil that they can then use for their garden or potted plants.

• Know the greens. Just like eating plenty of greens is good for your parent’s body, it is good for the compost heap as well. These items are sometimes referred to as “wet” materials. They are very high in nitrogen. These include items such as fruit scraps, vegetables, coffee grounds, paper coffee filters, lawn clippings, trimmings from flowers or garden plants, and discarded houseplants.

• Know the browns. The wet items must have dry items to break down in order to produce the most beneficial compost. Items known as the browns are also referred to as “dry” materials. They are very high in carbon. These include items such as untreated woodchips and sawdust, shredded paper, dry grass clippings, dry leaves, paper, paper tubes, paper towels, egg shells, animal fur, hair, eggshells, and newspapers.
• Know what to avoid. Just because something comes from a plant or animal does not mean that it should end up in your parent’s compost heap. There are certain items that your parent should always avoid when it comes to their compost. These include oily foods, dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, poultry, pork, grease, animal waste of any kind, bones, seeds from weeds, or plants that show signs of disease. Also avoid adding any items that might have come into contact with pesticides.

If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Woodbury, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.