National Mentoring Month always takes place in January. Your dad is interested in volunteering and thinks mentoring would be perfect. January is a great time to get started looking for people in need of senior mentors. Who do you talk to in order to find him the right mentoring opportunity?

Talk to the Schools

Talk to area schools. They may welcome mentors for certain programs. It won’t be a steady volunteering opportunity, but it can get your dad started. If there’s enough interest, the school may arrange to have your dad return once a month or more.

Call the Town

Most towns have recreation departments. Recreation programs rely on mentors to share their skills. If your dad was a skilled woodworker, he could create a class teaching people to make birdhouses. If he was a jeweler, he could teach people how to make jewelry.

To overcome the cost of the class, a small fee is charged to cover supplies. Some programs also pay a small stipend to the mentors who lead the classes.

Ask the Agency on Aging

The Agency on Aging in your dad’s area may have information about Foster Grandparent mentorships. Your dad would work one-on-one with a youth who needs a strong role model. He’ll do things that he finds fun and believes the youth would also find enjoyable. The goal is to give the child a grandparent to look up to for guidance and support.

Check With Senior Corps

The government agency Senior Corps pairs willing seniors with volunteer opportunities and mentorships. Your dad should visit and check out Senior Corps for opportunities that appeal to him. From foster grandparent opportunities to assisting people who need help paying bills, there are opportunities available in every state.

Visit the Local Senior Center

If your dad doesn’t spend time at his local senior center, he needs to start. When an organization needs mentors, the local senior center is often one of the first places they look. If there’s a bulletin board, he’ll find opportunities posted there. He can also ask. If there’s nothing currently available, he could post an announcement and see what turns up.

Volunteering helps your dad stay active in his community. Elderly care helps him stay active and independent at home. He’ll have help with meals if he needs it, housework, laundry, and many other things that become challenging when you age at home. Call an elderly care specialist to discuss prices and available services.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elderly care in St. Louis Park, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.