The American Heart Association established National Walking Day to get people to see the value of being active. April 5th is National Walking Day in 2023. It’s time to get your dad out of the house. With the help of a home care provider, walking regularly can become part of your dad’s daily routine. Here are some fun walks to take together throughout the spring and summer.

Visit a Zoo

Is there a zoo or animal sanctuary in your area? They’re a family-friendly environment you and your dad can explore together. Bring a camera and check out the animals. You might be able to arrange a meet and greet with some of the animals, too.

Explore an Easy Mountain Trail

Visit a state forest and find out which trails are designed for beginners. Your family is out in the fresh air and sun and can look for wildlife and birds while walking. Bring a picnic if possible and have lunch outside in nature while you de-stress.

Go To a Pedestrian Mall

Head to the city and explore a pedestrian mall for an afternoon. These vehicle-free stretches are usually brick, stone, pavement, or concrete, which makes them suitable for wheelchairs, walkers, and canes.

While you’re out shopping and walking around, you can treat your dad to a coffee and snack or get lunch together. You’ll have a great day together and take care of errands at the same time.

If there are no pedestrian malls, an indoor mall will do. Try to walk at a reasonable pace to ensure the blood starts pumping.

Find a Bike Path or Recreational Trail

Most cities have one or more bike paths or recreational trails. Pedestrians can use bike paths, too, but follow the rules and stay to the side so that cyclists can go past without a hassle. If they know the common courtesy rules, they will speak up as they approach you so that you know they’re there.

The benefit of walking on a recreational trail is that they’re usually paved and clear of obstacles like potholes and tree roots. That makes this trail a great choice for your dad if he needs a cane or walking stick.

Ideas When You’re Stuck Inside

If it’s rainy in your dad’s area, set up a treadmill near a TV. Put on a walking tour of a city he’s always wanted to explore. He can walk on the treadmill while taking a visual tour of a foreign city, a tropical island trail, or a city in another state.

What If You Have Other Commitments?

When you’re busy at work or caring for your kids, who helps your dad? Instead of leaving him aloew3rne, hire home care aides to help out. He’ll have someone to accompany him on walks, help him with housework, and offer the reminders he needs to take care of himself. A home care advisor can help you get started.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Eden Prairie, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.