Did you know that 5.2 million older Americans faced food insecurity in 2019? When an older adult cannot shop for the right ingredients or doesn’t have access to nearby stores, they may start making poor nutritional choices. Being unable to drive long distances can be challenging to a healthy diet.

Another issue is that chronic health conditions can change dietary needs. Your dad may not be accustomed to cooking without added salt or sugar. He may have arthritis that prevents him from holding a knife properly. He needs your help making meals for him, but you work full-time and need meals that take very little time to prepare.

Grain Bowls

Keep cooked quinoa, barley, and brown rice in the freezer. If you store it in serving sizes, it’s easy to put together a grain bowl. Use a microwave to thaw the grain and move it to a bowl. Top it with diced cooked shrimp, canned tuna, or chickpeas.

Add favorite fruits and vegetables that you’ve chopped up and have available. Once your dad has chosen what he wants with his grains, he can add his favorite dressing.

Veggie-Loaded Egg and Tuna Salad Sandwiches

When you have free time, boil a dozen eggs. Move them to the refrigerator and peel them as needed. Use a food processor to finely mince a red onion and a bunch of celery hearts.

Instead of plain tuna salad sandwiches, mix tuna with chopped eggs. Mix ample portions of the vegetables into the egg and tuna. Refrigerate any onion mixture that you don’t use and save it for other recipes.

Add a tablespoon of chopped capers and pickles, if your dad isn’t restricting salt. If he is, swap the pickles for diced cucumber. Shredded chicken breast can be used in place of tuna if your dad isn’t a fan of fish. When your dad is ready for lunch, he can add a few spoonfuls of the tuna salad in a wrap or between slices of whole grain bread.

Ready-to-Eat Quiches

Make some mini quiches on the weekend and put them in the freezer. Load them with vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and red peppers. Boost protein intake by adding crumbled tofu.

If you use a muffin tin, you’ll get the right portion size. Move a few to the refrigerator for quick lunches. When your dad is hungry, he can take a quiche from the refrigerator and warm it in the microwave for a minute.

Home Care Assistance Can Be There to Prepare Meals

Why not let your dad have home-cooked meals throughout the week? You don’t have to stop working or rearrange your daily routine to make sure he’s having more than a heat-and-eat meal. Home care assistance services include meal preparation.

Caregivers can stop by, keep your dad company, and make sure he has hot, nutritious meals all of the time. Call a home care assistance advisor to get started.


If you or an aging loved one is considering home care assistance in Burnsville, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.