Are you trying to help your elderly loved one fight the aging process? If so, it can all start with the foods they need to avoid. Research shows there are certain foods that are filled with chemicals or harsh ingredients. They can cause cells to break down faster and lead to symptoms of aging – such as early wrinkles. Learn which foods your elderly loved one should avoid to fight the aging process. Then, share this list with them today.

Sugary Drinks

While not a food, your elderly loved one should avoid sugary drinks if they want to fight the aging process. Research shows that sugary drinks can lead to the following:

  • Formation of wrinkles
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Insulin resistance
  • Obesity
  • Increased pain

All these things can not only make your elderly loved one feel older than they are, some of them can make them look older, too. If you or companion care at home providers need to spend more time with your elderly loved one to help them avoid having sugary drinks, then maybe that should be done.

Vegetable Oil and Margarine

Research also shows that vegetable oil and margarine can speed up the aging process. Did you know that vegetable oil and margarine can lead to the following:

  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Lacking energy

If you want to help your elderly loved one feel and look younger – and to stay healthier overall – you should encourage them to avoid eating vegetable oil or margarine. If they need something like this, you or the companion care at home providers should advise them to use olive oil instead.

Baked Goods

Does your elderly loved one eat a lot of baked goods? Maybe, they love cookies, cakes, brownies, and other baked goods. If this is the case, you should really try to encourage them to, at the very least, eat healthy baked goods such as baked apple chips. You or a home care provider can do some research online. It wouldn’t take much time to come up with a list of healthy baked items for your elderly loved one to add to their diet. They can use these healthier options to replace with the unhealthy baked goods they have been eating.


These are some of the foods and drinks that can help your elderly loved one fight the aging process. If they need even more healthy foods and drinks to add to their diet, you or a senior care provider can help them to look up healthy recipes online.


If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Burnsville, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.