If your senior mom is living alone and has Alzheimer’s, she may need specialized Alzheimer’s care at home. With Alzheimer’s care at home often seniors who have Alzheimer’s can continue living in their familiar homes.

Seniors with Alzheimer’s usually prefer to stay at home as long as they can. And there are some benefits that they get from living in a home that’s familiar to them. As the disease progresses your mom may find it comforting to be surrounded by memories in a home that feels safe and familiar.

If you’re thinking about your mom’s future and what type of living situation will meet her needs, consider some of the benefits of Alzheimer’s care at home like:

Living In A Familiar Environment

Being in the comfort of home can help reduce confusion and anxiety for your mom. Familiar surroundings can provide a sense of security and stability, which is particularly important for individuals with Alzheimer’s. Living in a familiar home can also help stoke memories and help your mom retain her memories longer.

Personalized Care That Changes

At home, your mom can receive personalized care tailored to her specific needs and preferences. This individualized attention can enhance her quality of life and overall well-being. And the Alzheimer’s care that she gets can change as her condition progresses. She may not need a lot of specialized help right now, but she will in the future.

Maintaining Independence

Alzheimer’s care at home allows your mom to maintain a sense of independence for as long as possible. She can continue to engage in familiar activities and routines, which can help preserve her sense of identity and autonomy.

Family Involvement

Caring for your mom at home encourages family involvement and strengthens bonds. Family members can play an active role in her care, providing emotional support and companionship. And family caregivers can learn a lot about how to help a senior parent with Alzheimer’s from a professional Alzheimer’s care provider.

Improved Emotional Well-being

Being surrounded by loved ones in a familiar environment can boost your mom’s emotional well-being. Home care can promote feelings of security, happiness, and contentment, which can help balance out the confusion and other negative emotions that often accompany Alzheimer’s.

Continuity of Care

With home care, your mom can benefit from consistent care from familiar caregivers. This continuity of care can help build trust and create a bond with her caregivers. Starting Alzheimer’s care now will give your mom time to build a relationship of trust with caregivers, which can help her recognize them in the future as her memory gets worse.

Promotion of Dignity and Respect

Home care allows your mom to maintain her dignity and self-respect. She can receive personalized care from compassionate caregivers that respect her individuality and preserves her dignity throughout the progression of the disease. It may not be possible for your mom to continue living at home when the disease is at its peak, but she can enjoy the benefits of living at home for many years with Alzheimer’s care at home.


If you or an aging loved one is considering Alzheimer’s care in Woodbury, MN and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.