One of the marks of an experienced caregiver is being able to provide exceptional end-of-life care. Ali does just that; he has begun caring for a client who recently came home from the hospital on hospice. This client—a 93-year-old retired local official—was not expected to live more than a week or two since returning home. Amazingly, the client has shown great improvement since his time with Ali.

Thanks to Ali’s help, the client is up and walking, eating a healthy diet, and enjoying life’s pleasures again such as holding hands with his wife. Ali and the client even pray together every morning to start the day off right.

The client’s son stated that Ali texts each of the children on a daily basis. The updates, which include photos and videos of their time together, are a comforting reminder that their dad is in great care. One of the videos included Ali and the client singing and tapping their feet to music, and another showed them eating dessert together in front of the fireplace.

“Ali has also shared his own meal with my dad without expecting compensation,” he said. As a caregiver, Ali has demonstrated an awareness for when to give the client and his family privacy, and when to interact with the client, often seasoning the conversation with some lighthearted humor.

“He is very attentive and goes out of his way to provide excellent care,” said Vicki, director of nursing at CareBuilders.

The little things that Ali does, such as having his client eat at the dining room table again, make Ali’s care so exceptional. Thanks, Ali for all that you do!