Reducing high blood pressure is a way to help seniors get a better quality of life. High blood pressure is a condition in which the force of blood against the artery walls is increased.

High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, which are both dangerous. It is a serious health issue that can affect seniors of all ages. It is also a problem that can be managed with proper treatment and elder care.

High Blood Pressure’s Effect on Seniors

Living with high blood pressure can be hard. The most common symptoms of high blood pressure are headaches, fatigue, and less energy to get through the day. It is also normal to feel more irritable, anxious, and easily distracted.

Seniors who live with chronic health conditions may be more likely to develop high blood pressure, including diabetes, kidney disease, and heart failure. While there is no known cure for high blood pressure, there are a lot of things that your senior can do to reduce the risk.

1. Exercise

Seniors with high blood pressure should get as much exercise as possible. Research has indicated that exercise can lower blood pressure by as much as 3-5 mmHG for people with high blood pressure. The easiest type of exercise is walking. It is low impact, and as long as your senior makes sure their blood pressure is in a safe range, walking is something they can do as often as they want.

2. Losing Weight

Losing weight can help lower blood pressure. This is a bit more complicated than just cutting back on sodium, but it can be done. Most of the time, your senior will need to cut back on sodium even more if they want to lose weight and lower your blood pressure at the same time.

3. Medication

Prescription medications can help lower blood pressure. There are a number of different medications that can help with this condition, and the doctor will usually try a few in order to find the one that works best. Depending on your senior’s health, they may be able to take their medication once a day or it may require a couple of doses.

4. Lifestyle Changes

The final way to manage high blood pressure is to make some lifestyle changes. The best changes are the ones that your senior can stick to for the long haul. If your senior can start walking every day, they should do it. Making these changes, no matter how small, will help them lower their blood pressure.


Living with high blood pressure can be hard, but if you work with your senior to improve their diet, lifestyle and medication regime, you can help them control their blood pressure and live a happy, independent life. Elder care will improve your senior quality of life that lives with high blood pressure by taking the load of both you and your senior. Give us a call today and see if elder care is right for you!


If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in St. Paul, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.