It’s not a secret that seniors these days overwhelmingly want to stay in their own homes as they get older. But often seniors and their families worry about something happening while they are alone. 24-hour home care for seniors makes it possible for seniors to stay at home safely as they get older. When seniors have 24-hour home care they get the benefits of having someone with them all day and all night. The benefits of daytime care for seniors are obvious, but there are some big benefits seniors can get from overnight and 24-hour home care like:


Seniors who are not alone at night are safer in many cases. When criminals target seniors because they think that seniors will be easy to steal from they assume seniors will be alone at night. Seniors who have 24-hour home care have someone with them at night which makes it much less likely that seniors will be targeted by thieves. Seniors also are going to be safer from disasters like storms or fires if they are not alone at night. If the power goes out or there is some type of disaster a companion who is there at night can help seniors get to safety.


Seniors often get lonely at night if they are by themselves. Many seniors who have lost their spouse or partner feel that loss the most at night. During the day it’s common for seniors to have visits by friends and family members, phone calls, and social engagements that mean they don’t really feel lonely. But at night the loneliness can feel oppressive. Seniors with 24-hour home care will have someone with them at night that they can watch TV with, have conversations with, and share a snack with so that they don’t feel so alone or anxious.

Lower Risk Of Falls

Many times when seniors falls it’s during the nighttime when they get up to use the bathroom or get a drink. Seniors who have been in bed for a long time often are stiff and sore and may have trouble walking which can lead them to fall. They also could be half asleep or under the influence of sleeping medications that can make them groggy and that can lead to falls also. And poor lighting can impact their field of vision making it tough to see obstructions in their path. But when seniors have someone with them at night that person can help them get up to go to the bathroom or bring them a drink in bed so that they don’t have to get up.

Better Quality Of Sleep

Seniors who have insomnia or trouble sleeping often have a better quality of sleep and get more sleep when they are not alone at night. Seniors often worry about what would happen to them if they have a medical emergency at night or what will happen if medical equipment they need like a CPAP stops working at night. But seniors who have 24-hour home care don’t need to worry because there will always be someone there that can help them.

If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-hour home care in Edina, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.