How is your senior’s vision? If her eyes aren’t as healthy as they could be, that can cause big problems for her in terms of her overall quality of life.

Safety Accessories Just Make Sense

Safety goggles exist for reasons, namely people who have injured themselves in the past. When your elderly family member is doing something out in the yard, goggles or other eye protection is a great idea. But other safety accessories, like sunglasses, can also be important. Try to match up the activity with a proper safety tool whenever you can so that your senior’s eyes are as protected as possible.

Screen Time Is More Damaging than People Think

Brightness levels on screens can help make it easier to read or to see what’s on the screen, but too many hours in a row of staring at a bright screen can be damaging to your senior’s eyes. Wearing glasses that have blue light filters can help quite a bit. Taking a break from screens can also be very helpful. Help your elderly family member to find other hobbies that she can enjoy that allow her to take a break from screens.

Eye Appointments Are Key

When your elderly family member goes to eye exams on a regular basis, her eye doctor is able to spot possible issues when they’re still small. That gives your elderly family member a chance to try treatments that might actually be helpful. Waiting too long might leave her without nearly as many options to do what she can to take care of her vision.

Start Being Mindful about Smoking

Cigarette smoke is harmful in a lot of different ways, but it can also be damaging to your senior’s vision. The smoke is an irritant, of course, but the chemicals in the smoke can also cause problems. Breathing in the chemicals involved in smoking has an internal effect on your senior’s body systems, too, like her vision. If your senior doubts all of this, talking to her doctor and her eye doctor about the effects of smoking may help.

Get More Specific Tips from Her Doctor

There may be other tips that your senior’s doctor can give to her that relate to her specific health needs. Talk to her doctor about what else she needs to be aware of and about what you can do for her as her caregiver. Reviewing her medications regularly is also a good idea, especially in terms of how they can cause her to experience trouble with her vision.

Finding the right plan for protecting your senior’s vision is crucial for her well-being and for ensuring she’s able to do all that she wants to do.

If you or an aging loved one is considering caregivers in St. Louis Park, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.