Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed with all that comes with the tasks of caring for your elderly parent. The constant worries and responsibilities can add up quickly and can take a toll both physically and emotionally onfamily caregivers.

Or maybe you have finally decided to call in reinforcements for some relief by hiring a senior careprovider to come in and provide professional support and care to your aging parent.

Either way, your health is of utmost importance and you should always take time to practice self-care so that you can be your best mentally, emotionally, and physically.

You may have heard flight attendants recommend that in a flight emergency, you should always place your oxygen mask on yourself before then helping your loved ones. This goes against our fiber as caregivers, as we are so ingrained to always put our family before ourselves.

The reason its so important is because if you don’t first take care of yourself, you won’t be able to help anyone else.

Its easy to get burnt out, and feel isolated and overwhelmed when you have a senior parent, especially if mobility or health concerns are an issue. Here are some ways you can get relief and practice self-care so that you can be your best self and stay energized and able to keep up with the demands of busy life.

Hire professional help.

If you haven’t done this already, consider hiring a senior care providerforyour loved one. They are caring and compassionate professionals who can help you and your senior to create a safe and livable plan that works for your family and reduces the stress of juggling your busy life and the worries of caring for an aging parent.


If you haven’t experienced the luxury of a massage, consider treating yourself. There are many different styles depending on what you are looking for; such as deep-tissue to relieve knots and tension held in the back and shoulders, or Swedish for something lighter and more relaxing. Regular massage can be a great way to help you unwind and relax.

Get away.

This may be difficult for some, for tangible reasons, and sometimes emotional ones, but if you are able to get away, even if just for a day or two, take the opportunity to change your environment and clear your head. See if a sibling or caregiver can take over your duties while you are gone, and do your best to think about things that you enjoy while you are gone. Youll come back refreshed and ready to be the best you that you can!

Be consistent.

Sometimes you can’t escape your stress and responsibilities despite the best intentions to not let it get you down. Thats why we recommend finding simple ways that you like to unwind on a daily basis, and be sure to actually make yourself do it! A hot bath, a good book, a yoga practice, or a guided meditation are all things you can do in the presence of your own home whenever life has you feeling tense or tired.

If you or an aging loved one is considering senior care in Plymouth, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.