Helping your parents stay healthy as long as possible is one of your most important focuses as a family caregiver. You integrate this goal into your regular care routine by understanding the risks that they are facing and doing what you can to reduce this risk, supporting them as they manage their health issues, and encouraging them to make good lifestyle choices every day. Another vital element of keeping your parent healthier, and empowering them to make decisions about their own health, is seeking out early diagnoses. Issues such as skin cancer can worsen rapidly, making it extremely important that your parent stays vigilant about their skin, and brings any change it to the attention of the doctor as soon as possible to seek out the earliest diagnosis they can.

Some of the ways early diagnosis for skin cancer is valuable include:

  • Ensuring diagnosis is accurate. Sometimes skin lesions and changes can be more difficult to identify as cancerous. Going in for a diagnosis early gives the doctor more time to fully evaluate your parent’s condition, and make a more accurate diagnosis
  • Potentially catching the issue when it is still in a precancerous stage, rather than developing fully into cancer
  • Identifying the cancer before it has worsened, including identifying the most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, when it is still affecting only the surface layer of the skin. Detecting the cancer when it is still in an early stage dramatically increases chances of survival and successful treatment
  • Giving your parent the widest range of potential treatments and management options. The options for treating and managing of skin cancer decrease the longer your parent has the cancer before diagnosis and treatment. Early diagnosis allows your parent to evaluate all the options, and work with their doctors make a decision that is right for them and their health
  • Reducing the risk the skin cancer will have spread to other areas of the skin, making treatment more challenging

Starting senior care for your aging parent can be a fantastic way to enhance their quality of life and improve their health and safety. If they have recently been diagnosed with a serious health issue such as skin cancer, or believe that they may be suffering from such a condition, an in-home senior care services provider can be a valuable source of support and care. Not only can this provider supplement the personal care, support, and assistance you offer your parent to help them manage their daily needs, but they can also offer companionship and emotional encouragement. These personalized services can make a tremendous difference in improving your parent’s quality of life, boosting their health, and helping them to manage their condition in a way that is right for them.

If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Brooklyn Park, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.