Elderly Care in St. Paul MNWhen many people think of family caregivers they immediately think of an adult child who is with their parent on a regular basis and able to address their parent’s needs promptly and reactively. This, however, is not always the case. In some situations, the adult child lives too far from their parent to be able to be in the home with them frequently. If you have found yourself in this situation, you are at the beginning of your journey as a distance caregiver. This can be an intimidating situation, but one that you can handle with careful preparation and planning.

Some of the challenges that you will need to prepare for as you start your journey as a distance caregiver include:

• Remaining connected. Constant communication is critical when you are a distance caregiver. You must stay connected with your parent at all times to stay up-to-date on their condition and ensure that if they have additional care needs you are able to fulfill them as quickly and effectively as possible.

 Connecting with their medical team. If your parent is like many seniors they are dealing with a variety of health complications and challenges that may need continuous care and management. This means that you will need to stay connected to their medical team throughout your care journey. Consider scheduling a visit to their doctor if possible to discuss their needs and how you will remain connected to them. Though you may not be able to get to your parent or their medical team frequently, this initial visit can set the foundation for cooperating with them to support your parent’s needs even from a distance.

• Managing a care team. Your parent will need support and assistance on a far more regular basis than you will be able to visit them. This means that you will need to create a care team that will handle these needs when you are at a distance. You must not only design the team, which can including a care provider, other family members, friends, neighbors, and professionals, but also manage them to ensure that they are working effectively and efficiently together to take care of your parent in the way that is right for their needs. Managing this team can mean scheduling phone calls or video chats, sending group emails, or even staying connected through social media to get updates, give instructions, and gather information from each member of the team to ensure that your parent’s care is right for them at all times.

If you know that your aging parent is in need of additional support, care, and assistance to help them live comfortably and safely, and maintain their independence and quality of life as much as possible, now may be the ideal time for you to consider elderly care for them. An elderly home care services provider can be with your aging parent on a customized schedule tailored to their individual needs, challenges, and limitations, as well as the efforts that you give. This means that they are able to live lifestyle that they desire and deserve while also addressing their needs in a way that is effective, efficient, and appropriate for them.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in St. Paul, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.