Senior Care in Plymouth MN

Maybe you’ve finally gotten some help from other family members or you’ve hired elder care providers who are wonderful with your loved one and suddenly you’ve got time you don’t know how to fill. This is a wonderful problem for a caregiver to have, but it can be unnerving at first. Try one of these ideas.

Watch Something You’ve Been Meaning to Watch

It’s entirely possible that you don’t even know what the newest obsession is that everyone’s watching, but chances are there’s some show that you’ve been meaning to catch up on. Take advantage of the fact that you have some time and get to watching.

Re-read a Favorite Book

If books are more your thing, choose an old favorite and read it again. Or, if you have a large list of books that you’ve been meaning to read, get started on them.

Go Look at Some Art

Wandering around looking at art is a great way to help your brain see things from a different angle. It also gets you out of the house for a bit. Call a friend and hit the local art museum.

Stay in Your Pajamas and Just Be

Chances are that if you’ve been caring for your loved one for a while, you’re always on the go. Try picking a day or an afternoon when you can stay in your PJs and simply hang out for a few hours.

Go Outside

Nature and sunlight can really help your mind and your body recharge. Try going to a park or just spend some time enjoying your own back yard.

Make a Doctor’s Appointment

Have you been putting off health conditions of your own? Now is the perfect time to make an appointment and go take care of yourself.

Do Something Creative

You’re probably spending a lot of time solving problems, so try switching your brain to another channel. Dig out some crafting supplies, coloring tools, or anything that allows you to create and just do it.

Start a Journal

Maybe you’ve been looking for the right time to start journaling. Grab a notebook or just a piece of paper and start writing down your thoughts.

Go to a Coffee Shop

When you spend a lot of time with just your elderly loved one you might need occasional doses of other people. Try heading to a coffee shop and just people watching for a little bit.

Visit an Animal Rescue

There’s nothing like a puppy or a kitten to get you out of yourself for a little while. Visit an animal rescue or shelter to volunteer to play with the babies for a while. It helps to socialize them and it gives you something cuddly to play with.

When it’s time to head back to your elderly loved one, you’ll have had a little bit of down time to recharge yourself.

If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Plymouth, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.