Your mom’s deepest wish has always been to age at home. She likes her home and hates the idea of moving to a new neighborhood or town. How do you balance her desire to remain in her home when her health is changing and you worry about her?

What do you know about companion care at home? Here are three facts to know about this essential service for older adults who live alone.

Companion Care at Home Can Stop by as Often as You Request

You don’t have to hire companion care at home to visit every day. If you just want someone to stop by and check on your mom once a week, that’s an option. You may want caregivers to visit each day. That’s also fine.

The frequency of caregiver visits depends on your mom’s needs. If she has weekly appointments, you could hire companions once a week to take her to her appointments and run errands on the way home.

If your mom needs help with meals, her caregivers are there each day to help with all three meals. Her caregivers can stay and eat with her, clean the kitchen when she’s done, and take her shopping for groceries as needed.

When you talk to a home care advisor, you’ll go over your mom’s care needs and discuss the best schedule for the services she needs. You can add days or have caregivers stop by less often if that’s better.

You’re Able to Change Services as Needed

You can change the frequency or types of companion care services your mom gets. You’re not stuck into one set care plan for the months and years to come.

Suppose your mom has a caregiver for social interactions and transportation once a week. Months later, her doctor prescribes a new medication that makes her feel lightheaded. She can have her caregiver with her each day when she takes that medication.

She’ll have peace of mind that if she does pass out, someone is there by her side to help her. If she adjusts to that medication weeks later and no longer experiences lightheadedness, her caregiver visits are adjusted accordingly.

The Focus Can Solely be on Social Interaction

A caregiver doesn’t have to have tasks like housekeeping or meal preparation to do. Your mom may be completely capable of cooking her own meals and cleaning the house and still need a caregiver.

If your mom’s circle of friends is smaller than it used to be, caregivers offer companionship. Her caregivers can stop by to talk. If your mom likes to go out to theaters or museums but not on her own, her caregiver can accompany her on these fun outings.

What’s the next step? Talk to a companion care specialist about your mom’s home situation, health, and care needs. Build a care plan that matches her situation and arrange caregiver visits once the care plan is established.


If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Eagan, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.