If you have been looking at fun activities to do with your senior parent, there are tons of national “days” that celebrate all kinds of things. One day that is coming up soon is National Go Fishing Day, a great idea for something to do with your senior. This day is celebrated on June 18th and celebrating it can highlight how fishing can be beneficial for your senior. Here are a few of the benefits of fishing for your senior, and how home care can play a role:

Health Benefits of Fishing

You may be surprised to find out that fishing does have a few health benefits, which can be even more of a reason to get out on June 18th.

It’s Physical Activity

Staying fit can be incredibly hard as you get older, but fishing can be a good way to get outside and move around. It won’t be draining or physically exhausting, but it will help get a senior moving.

Fishing Helps a Senior Socialize

Fishing with family and friends is a favorite pastime, particularly for the grandkids. A fishing vacation is a great opportunity to spend time with your family, create lasting memories, and have a good time. There are many things to do, from just relaxing in nature to engaging in friendly competitions to see who can catch the largest fish.

It’s Stress Relieving

This is a time for you and your dad to openly talk; it allows you both to get out in nature where you can feel stress-free. Limiting the amount of stress a senior feels is crucial when trying to help them live healthier and longer.

What To Do Instead of Fishing

Not all seniors will like fishing, but maybe your senior mom still wants to celebrate a fun day like this. There are other ways to celebrate this day. You can take your senior mom out on the lake to watch the sunset on a dock or on a boat. You can go fishing and bring back your catch to cook up a nice meal for her. Lastly, you can play go fish, the card game! It’s a way of “fishing” without ever leaving the house.

How Home Care Can Help

Finding ways to keep your senior parents happy while living out the rest of their days can seem impossible. Especially when they have so much free time, and you don’t. If you can’t seem to find the time to help your senior mom or dad throughout the day, it may be time to look into home care providers to help with everyday activities. You may be there for the fun activities once in a while, but your senior parent may need more help than that. It is okay to turn to home care for that additional help that is often needed when an elderly loved one chooses to age in place.


If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in St. Paul, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.