People age differently. What may be easy for one person can be frustrating for another. Health issues create difficulties with activities of daily living. Loneliness and isolation impact how safe or confident you feel. If you haven’t stopped to consider the importance of home care, it’s time.

As you get older, confidence can decrease. A chronic health condition can leave you stressed. If it’s a serious condition that impacts your safety, living alone adds to that stress and uncertainty.

New aches and pains can impact mobility. As it gets harder to move around, it can be harder to do things you used to do with ease. Home care providers can help with all of this.

They Assist With Daily To-Do Lists

Your dad has several medications to take during the day. He’s good about taking his morning pills with breakfast, but he often forgets mid-afternoon pills. With a caregiver’s help, your dad won’t forget when it’s time to take his next pill.

Home care providers also assist with personal care, grooming, and hygiene. If your mom has a hard time washing, brushing, and styling her hair due to arthritis in the hands, home care aides can help. They also assist with oral care, toileting, dressing, and ambulation.

Home Care Providers Help With Housekeeping

Arthritis pain is typically managed with over-the-counter pain medications, icy/warm ointments, and regular exercise. When arthritis pain flares up, it can make it difficult to walk around. When the washer and dryer are in a basement, carrying a basket of laundry up and down basement stairs is unappealing.

Home care providers help with all aspects of light housekeeping and laundry. They can wash and dry clothing, bedding, and towels. They can run a vacuum, mop floors, wipe down surfaces, and dust furnishings. They’ll make beds, replace towels, and tidy up clutter.

They Provide the Socialization Your Parents Need

Your parents may be alone, but they don’t have to be lonely. Companionship services are an essential part of home care. Your parents have caregivers stopping by for conversation and engaging trips to local stores, museums, and theaters.

If your parents don’t like to eat alone. Caregivers can help with meal preparation and join your parents for the meal.

Home care aides offer the chance to age at home without struggling to stay safe, happy, and confident. Talk to your parents about their daily routines. Find out where they struggle and hire home care aides to help with those tasks.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Minnetonka, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.