Stress can lead to a major strain on the body, and after a long time of being stressed, there can be health problems connected to it. Home care can help a senior feel less stressed by providing companionship and helping with light household work. They can also help a senior get to and from places, making it easier for the senior to plan important things.

However, sometimes these small things are not enough to keep a senior calm and not stressed out. Home care can help seniors find other ways to relax and de-stress. If home remedies do not work, a senior should consider seeing a therapist. Sometimes if stress is connected to depression or anxiety, it will be necessary to get a doctor involved to help diagnose them.

There are stress-reducing activities that a senior can do that don’t cost a lot of money. Some of them cost nothing at all. Home care can help prepare bubble baths, help get seniors in comfortable positions, and much more. Seniors can start experimenting with ways to de-stress to figure out a routine they love. Home care will be able to help in many ways when a senior can’t do something on their own. Check out these ways to de-stress and mention them to your loved one the next time you see them.

How To Handle Stress

Older adults will face many different challenges as they age, they may lose a loved one, be tight on finances, or have health problems they cannot control. It is important to take a step back and learn how to process these feelings and handle the stress. Try out these de-stressing methods and get your senior to start a small self-care routine with them.

Reach Out To a Group

Maintaining social and having someone a senior can rely on will be a huge way to de-stress. They may have a close friend they can vent to or other family that can come visit often. This is a good way to unload some of the burdens on a senior and help them cope with the stress they feel. Socializing is a huge part of life.


Daily walks can help get a senior outside and enjoy the fresh air. Finding a routine that the seniors enjoy may be one of the best mood boosters. Home care providers care encourage seniors to find an activity they love and help them stick to it.

Get Creative

Sometimes it can be hard to express feelings even for someone who is older and has been through it all. It’s time to get creative and find outlets to express feelings. Finding crafts or creating something is one of the best ways to do that. Art comes in so many forms and creating something may help put seniors in a meditative or reflective state.

Try Something New

Having a routine is great but it can be easy to get stuck in something mundane. This is also not the best way to limit stress. Trying something new can bring something new and exciting for the senior to look forward to.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Plymouth, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.