Studies lead experts to believe that continuing education can help maintain cognitive skills. Learning new things helps stimulate the brain through mental activity. What are other things you can do to help exercise your brain and help keep it young?

Daily Exercise

Daily exercise is good for all of the organs in the body. Mixing up the types of exercise is best, and you should make sure to include walks outside in nature at least one day a week.

One thing that can age the body is excessive stress. Time spent in nature helps lower the stress hormones, which helps fight inflammation within the cells. Get outside, enjoy the sun, and listen to the birds sing as you stretch your legs and breath fresh air.

A Healthy Diet

Skip foods with added sugar, high sodium, and saturated fat. Instead, choose meals and snacks that incorporate a balance of whole grains, lean proteins, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. Seafood, especially fatty fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, is vital.

Social Activity

Social activities are essential as you age. Friendships help you avoid depression and loneliness. Volunteering enables you to feel needed and important to others. Social activity exercises the brain, enhances mood, and strengthens your ties to the community.

Games and Puzzles

Puzzles like jigsaws, logic problems, and crosswords help keep the mind sharp. You can also play games to help exercise the brain. Look for games that require thought and logic, such as Scrabble, Cribbage, or Chess.

Annual Check-ups

Make sure your parents see their doctor every year. They want to have chronic health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes diagnosed and treated. It’s not something they should ignore. They also want to make sure they’re vaccinated against the flu, pneumonia, shingles, tetanus/whooping cough, and COVID-19.

Even if your parents have done all of these things, age-related memory loss and dementia are risks that come with getting older. If you suspect your mom or dad is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia, talk to a doctor.

It’s best to diagnose dementia early and start preparing for future needs. At some point, senior care aides will become a big help to your parents and the rest of the family. From support with housework to companionship services, senior care is essential.

Family caregivers need breaks from time to time, and your parents will need plenty of support when their abilities change. Call a senior care agency to make arrangements sooner rather than later.

If you or an aging loved one is considering senior care in Edina, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.