Spring break is coming up in Louisville so I thought that I would compile a list of activities that older adults can enjoy with their grandchildren. My goal here is to keep this list to affordable options, but of course “affordable” is pretty subjective. Your mileage may vary here, of course.

Louisville Free Public Library

The library is a great place with tons of free activities for the whole family (you can read their event calendar on the website). You can help foster a love of reading that can serve them throughout their life. And libraries often have things to check out other than books, like movies. I loved the library as a kid because of how calm it was.


The Contemporary Art Museum is on here because they have a few free activities, but it should be noted that their galleries are currently closed for their next exhibition that starts on March 15th. They not only have a quarterly family fun day that is free, but they also have Tiny Art Tales, which is a free program every Friday morning for pre-school aged children. They also participate in a program where EBT-eligible families can visit the museum for free.

Kid’s Workshops

Both Home Depot and Lowe’s have workshops, I know that Home Depot’s are free and they are once a month. Plus, this will be a nice summertime activity since it is inside. These are great and have been going on for a while. You are going to want to make sure that at least one adult in your group can use a hammer, and it is not a great idea for grandparents experiencing cognitive decline.

What are your spring break plans? Let us know down below.

Written by Brigid Stakelum