This blog is mostly about how people can improve their loved one’s lives with home care. Today we are going to talk about how health care providers can improve their patients’ lives by giving them referrals to home care.

Giving Respite for Family Caregivers

Bring a caregiver is one of the most difficult things someone can do for their loved one. Even if your patient and their family caregiver are doing well at home, referring the patient for home care will provide necessary respite care. This can be vital in preventing caregiver burnout while ensuring that the patient has excellent care.

Caregiver Notes

One of the most important aspects of our care, especially for our clients who have family who live far away from them, is that our caregivers notice and make note of changes in our clients. They see and will be able to notice patterns in changes to diet, behavior, sleep schedules, and more. They take detailed notes which are then passed on to the family in order to aide them in conversations with physicians. And, most of the time, our clients with the highest needs are cared for by a CNA.

Introducing Care to Patients

Our regular clients and caregivers foster years-long relationships. Our clients’ families also trust our caregivers. Sometimes, if they can, they will even send our caregivers into care homes to supplement their residential care. Referring patients into home care can get them comfortable around caregivers. Professional caregivers often help older adults stay in their homes as long as they can. They provide expertise and assistance for the client, and respite care for their family.

This topic can be difficult to broach with older adults, but home care can make a difficult time a little bit better. I hope that this post provides you with a few reasons why you should think about home care referrals for your patients.

Written by Brigid Stakelum