Older adults are often at risk for various cognitive and mental health issues. They may experience grief and loss, as well. Here are some ways that either older adults or their family members can find mental health resources for them.

Crisis Hotlines

Crisis hotlines are not long-term solutions, but they are for people who are in crisis and they may be able to connect those people with further resources. Here are some of those hotlines:

  •  800-273-TALK (8255) is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.
  •  800-273-8255 is the Veteran’s Crisis Hotline
  • Texting 741-741 will help you reach the Crisis Text Hotline

 Support Groups

In person support groups can not only assist you but can also help you find community. There are support groups for veterans, widows/widowers, substance abuse sufferers, and really any group of people under the sun. To find one, be on the lookout in community centers and take a look online. If you have a case worker or social worker with the VA or your local DCFS, they may be able to point you in the right direction as well.

Please lean into your community in times of need. And even if you are not someone who needs these services yourself, try to keep informed about them so you can help your loved ones. You never know who might need some extra help.

Written by Brigid Stakelum