Are you considering becoming a caregiver? Here are some questions to ask yourself if you think this might be a career path for you. If you are a caregiver and you have any advice for our potential caregivers, leave a comment down below.

Friendly caregiver supporting an eldery lady

Have I Cared for Someone Before?

Family caregiving experience can often be a good indicator of if this line of work will be something that you’re interested in providing for other families. While you are technically caring for your client, you in reality are helping their entire family. This is a great way to test if you could handle the emotional toll of being a caregiver, because this job requires a lot of emotional labor.

Do I Have a Strong Support System?

Caregiving is an emotionally difficult profession, and a strong support system can help prevent caregiver burnout. Having friends and hobbies you can do with them is also a great way to maintain an outlet from caregiving. You can read a little more about caregiver burnout from this post.

Can I Make a Long-Term Commitment?

We always try our best in the office to give our clients consistent caregiving. You should think about if you have time to work consistent shifts every single week. Our lives can be so busy so there is no judgement here if this job is not the right fit for now, you can always wait a few months.

Do I Connect with People Easily?

A huge part of being a good caregiver is having a demeanor that makes our clients feel safe. Letting someone into their home to help them is a very personal experience and journey. Along with the more technical aspects of the job, like cleaning, caregivers who know how to really connect with their clients will do well.

If you decide that caregiving is right for you, we are always hiring!

Written by Brigid Stakelum