For the month of January, I am going to be publishing one article each week about New Year’s resolutions. Today we’re going to talk about how to build a sustainable resolution that you’ll be able to actually follow for months to come.

Measurable Goals

You’re going to want to craft your resolution in a way that is quantifiable. This will make it easier to measure your progress and you may find that a concrete goal is easier to achieve.

For example:

Instead of: “I want to drink more water.”

Do: “I want to consistently drink 64 ounces of water.”

Instead of: “I want to garden more.”

Do: “This year, I want to grow peppers and tomatoes in my garden as well as my typical flowers.”

Reflect on What You Want

What will actually bring you happiness this year? What do you want to work on this year? We get a lot of messaging about what we should be doing to be healthy. We have to drink lemon water first thing in the morning, lose 25 pounds, wake up at 5 A.M. every day to journal and that will make our lives so much better. If that genuinely sounds like something you’d enjoy, go for it. To me, that sounds miserable. I will stick to sleeping in and drinking regular water, thanks. Also, despite my love of writing, I hate journaling. I have attempted it multiple times. Make your resolution something that you want to do.

Happy new year everyone, and I hope you enjoyed this first post of Resolution January.

Written by Brigid Stakelum