This blog has talked extensively about how we cater to different conditions that our clients may have. We have touched a little on cancer patients, but today we will discuss some of the benefits of home care to our clients with cancer.

Dietary Restrictions and Meal Preparation

Our caregivers will work with any dietary restrictions that our clients have while making meals. All the client needs is a comprehensive list of their dietary restrictions and the caregiver will try to follow it as best as they can. This can be important for clients with cancer who may have new food restrictions and who struggle with having the energy to cook or meal prep.

Light Housekeeping

I often talk about this helping people who generally are either limited by mobility or energy. Cancer patients who are recovering from their treatments may not be able to do simple tasks to keep their living space, and a caregiver helping them keep their space clean is part of having a basic, healthy space to live. So, don’t worry if you have to take a nap or rest while our caregivers are there, you can have peace of mind that your house will be a little cleaner by the time that they leave.

Medication Reminders

We cannot provide medication to our clients, but we can give them reminders to take their prescribed medications. This can help clients who may be experiencing brain fog or who are simply forgetting their medications due to stress or other factors. Our caregivers can also keep detailed notes about how much you’ve eaten and that you’ve taken your medications or anything else you’d want documented for doctor’s appointments.

These are some of the ways that we can assist clients with cancer. Leave a comment about what you want us to cover next!

Written by Brigid Stakelum