Looking for fun Halloween activities that you can do at home? I’ve got your back! I did cover this topic last year if you want to check this post out, but I will be covering new ideas. Each Halloween activity I will go over works for a wide range of abilities, and you can always adjust the older adult’s role to best fit their needs. Most of these ideas work well in small groups, because who says older adults can’t participate in holidays?

fall decor including pumpkins, flowers, and pinecones in a gray wooden wagon.

Best Mummy Contest

This is a great one to do with grandkids. All you need is a timer and extra rolls of toilet paper. It doesn’t have to be nice or expensive toilet paper. How it works is the players pair up (or get in small groups) with one player on each team being the “mummy.” The other players on the team try to wrap the mummy up the best in a given time frame. You also need one judge who will be in charge of the timer and judging the best mummy. This is a nice activity because the older adult can be as active as they want. If they’re really mobile they can participate in wrapping the mummy, they can be the mummy, or they can be the judge.

No Bake Treats

I have suggested no bake treats before as a great way to get older adults and kids involved in holidays, but I usually suggest it for Thanksgiving. My favorite place for Halloween DIYs is of course Pinterest. Ideas that I’ve seen include chocolate dipped pretzel “mummies” and “fingers,” worms in dirt (gummy worms in a pudding cup with crumbled Oreos, and caramel apple slices, decorated with sprinkles and toppings of your choice. You’re going to want to make sure you have an adult present who does not have cognitive decline, but this is something that people with all different levels of ability can do.


Instead of carving pumpkins, you can make luminaries! This one is a little more involved than the mummies, but you can get the supplies for relatively cheap. You’ll need some sand, paper bags, markers and battery powered tea lights. You should be able to get these items online at Amazon or at a craft store. You and your family decorate however many bags that you want, put some sand in the bottom, pop in your tea lights, and ta-da! They’re ready to go in a window, on your porch, wherever!

Thank you and have a great spooky season!

Written by Brigid Stakelum