It may be early September, but winter will be here sooner than you think. It’s important that older adults have homes that are ready for winter so they can stay as healthy as possible. Here are some tips to get ready for winter. The National Institute on Aging has a great article about winter safety for older adults here.


Have an ice game plan

It’s important to have a plan in place for when it snows and your porch gets icy. Are you able to put salt on the porch? Or will a family member, friend, or neighbor help you? This is something you should figure out before it starts snowing, and make sure you have the materials on hand for snow removal.

Evaluate your insulation

It is extremely important that your house is well insulated. You can find a quick guide on how to do that from DFW Thermal Solutions.

Make a fall risk checklist

Look around outside your house and check to see what could cause you to fall when it is icy. Do you have an uneven step? Is there a patch of your walkway that gets slick every year? Being aware of these risks is key to reducing the likelihood of a fall.

Get your flu vaccine

The flu can be very serious in older adults, so it is recommended that you get your flu shot.

When it gets closer to winter, we’ll write a more comprehensive post, but thank you all for reading! See you next time!