This post is a continuation of the post on assistive devices. We will cover devices that were not mentioned in the first post, and of course your mileage may vary. Assistive devices are any sort of item that helps someone do a daily task easier.

An older woman in a cerulean shirt sits between a standing woman in a dark blue shirt and a man in an olive green shirt. The standing woman in handing the man a sandwich.

Cooking Devices

These can range from an automatic can openers, to an air fryer, to precut food items like onions that come in a container, already sliced. A lot of older adults no longer cook, but for someone who enjoys cooking and still has the cognition to cook, these assistive devices can make that so much easier for them. And the great thing about this is that a lot of cooking aids can be found for cheap.

Cleaning Devices

Cleaning assistive devices can be robot vacuums, automatic spin mops, and scrubbing or dusting devices with longer handles. These make it so cleaning is a lot more automatic and that there is less physical strain on the older adult’s body. Caregivers of course can also provide light housekeeping services in addition to any cleaning the client or their loved ones do in the home.

This one was a little shorter than yesterday’s because I just had a few more ideas than I wrote yesterday.

Written by Brigid Stakelum