Welcome back to Resolution January! Most of the goals I’ve discussed in this series have been very self-focused, but what about your community? This is a great time to get more involved in your community. Here are some examples of ways you can sustainably increase your community contributions in the new year.

Make a Monthly Commitment

Gradually increase your contributions by making some type of regular commitment (it could be in any timeline you want). Maybe once a season you gather clothes up to donate to a women’s shelter, maybe you volunteer at a soup kitchen once a month, it can be whatever you want. Like I’ve discussed before, one way to build a sustainable resolution is to start slowly.

Pick One Cause

You could focus on multiple issues if you want to, but one way that you could start small and build up gradually is to focus on one issue or organization to work on. What are you passionate about? Look into your community for organizations that focus on that issue.

Start a Community Drive

Places like churches or schools will often host clothing or food drives. This can be a great way to get involved. It can be a lot of work, but the process is worth looking into for your area. You can get local students involved by offering volunteer credits for donations. Many high school and college students are in organizations that require volunteer hours.

Thank you all for reading, please stay tuned for more topics this weekend!

Written by Brigid Stakelum