Yesterday concluded Fall Prevention Week, so I thought I could talk a little about what fall prevention entails. I wrote about fall prevention last year, if you would like to check that out again. Today we will touch on some tips that I did not mention last year, though.

Ask About Your Medication

It’s important to ask your doctor about any side effects to your medication. Some side effects, like dizziness, may increase someone’s fall risk. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist about that risk so you can be informed. This is not advice to stop taking any medication that may increase your fall risk, at all. This is simply so that you can be aware of the side effects and try to mitigate them the best that you can.

Work on Your Balance

A physical therapist can give you exercises to help your balance. Some of these you should be able to do at home. You can ask your primary care physician for a referral, and talk to them about your fall your fall concerns.

Evaluate Your Home for Fall Risks

I will talk soon about home safety evaluations, but one way to prevent falls is to go through your home and evaluate it for fall risks. Things like uneven floors, loose rugs, and clutter can all be fall risks.

Stay tuned for more about home evaluations.

Written by Brigid Stakelum