As we age in this fast-paced, changing and challenging world, it pays to explore how others are coping. I found the below article excerpt on Huffington Post, from 02/20/2016.

Here are things to remember:

1) You are worth making your life as enjoyable and meaningful as possible.

Whether or not your kids are home, or visit very often, you have value. If you never fix an apple pie because the kids aren’t home to eat it, but you love it? Fix a pie. Take a couple of pieces to a neighbor.

2) How you spend your time is important.

If you love to go fishing, but the guy you always went with you is too shaky on his feet to go, then ask around at the tackle store for others who might be interested. Or ask one of your grandchildren to go. Or just go. Go tell fish tales to your friend. He’ll appreciate it.

3) Keep a sense of humor.

Negativity is catching.

4) Feeding your relationships is vital.

If you can’t get to Seattle to see your brother, learn how to use FaceTime and give him a call. If your best friend moved across town, meet in the middle for a cup of java or a glass of wine. Establish a new tradition with her. Roll with the change, instead of focusing on what used to be.

5) Search for what you have control over.

I can’t say this enough. To look for what can feed your spirit and allow you to feel a part of your family, your church, your community, takes courage.

Apathy is a killer of joy. If I don’t care anymore, if I decide things are too much trouble to try or do, then life will pass me by.

It’s one thing to choose solitude.

It’s another, to give up.

You can read more of Dr. Margaret Rutherford on her website.